Elixir Config and Environment Variables
Learn how to set up Elixir config and environment variables in your Elixir Phoenix project using runtime config new to Elixir v1.11
Learn how to set up Elixir config and environment variables in your Elixir Phoenix project using runtime config new to Elixir v1.11
A guide to show you how to set up exception and error monitoring for your Elixir Phoenix application with Honeybadger.
A guide to deploy Elixir and Phoenix to the Heroku Containers Stack with Elixir releases, automated database migrations, Docker, and Continuous Deployment.
A guide to deploy Elixir and Phoenix to Render with Elixir releases, automated database migrations, and Continuous Deployment.
Based on our five years of experience with Phoenix in production and extensive testing, we determined that these are the four cloud hosting platforms you should use for your Elixir applications.
Set up a continuous integration / continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to automatically run your automated test on each pull request and automate deployment to Gigalixir when you push commits to your default (e.g. main) branch
Learn how to use a remote console and remote observer to debug your app in production. We can use these debugging tools to run code in production and monitor the Erlang Virtual Machine, processes, and applications remotely.
Learn how to deploy your Phoenix app to Gigalixir using Elixir releases. Gigalixir lets you take advantage of many Elixir features not available on other cloud hosting platforms.
Learn how to set up continuous integration and deployment for Elixir with GitHub Actions on Digital Ocean using Docker to eliminate the manual Elixir deployment steps.
If you want to deploy your Elixir app to a Digital Ocean droplet (i.e.a cloud-hosted virtual machine), you can use Docker to make the deployment process easier. We’ll cover the steps to publish to Docker Hub and then deploy to your droplet.
Don’t miss your chance. By accessing these ‘secret deployment strategies’ you will get the exact tactics I use to deploy Phoenix apps in a no-time flat – absolutely free.