
Elixir is a growing ecosystem with new tools available every day. StakNine delivers research-based content on Elixir best practices, libraries, resources, and tools.

We launched to help developers easily find what they need, so they can focus on their domain-specific features and issues.

Whether it is learning best practices or finding the right tool, StakNine will help you improve your applications and deliver value to your users.

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Author – Jack Gray

Jack is a developer who loves building software with Elixir. He has been using Elixir as his primary programming language since 2016.

Since then he has also deployed apps and websites with JavaScript frameworks, mostly React and React Native. He’s also a big fan of the Nerves Project for controlling sensors from a Raspberry Pi.

Jack is a TailwindCSS, utility-first, CSS convert. All of his new Elixir projects use the PETAL stack: Phoenix, Elixir, TailwindCSS, AlpineJS, LiveView.

He started StakNine to write about his experience working with Elixir and JavaScript. Follow him on Twitter: @JackGrayS9.